Thursday, June 25, 2009

Not Forgotten

It is so easy to become consumed with all that is going on with Luke. There are just so many questions in my mind. I spend so much time thinking about everything. I have noticed that my other three children are engaging in some quite dramatic attention seeking behavior. It has kind of shook me back into reality. All of my children are equally important. They have all changed my life. They all deserve so much. I guess we are all learning how to act in a large family. I was an only child. My husband was one of two children. Our children are getting used to it also.

I am sure my children have noticed that I am really distracted. They are also hating the fact that I am working this summer. I guess I feel a bit guilty. I hope that all of my children know that I truly love them. I need to learn how to meet the needs of my children. Now, I realize that I am not capable of meeting all needs. I do need to clear my head and allow myself to truly enjoy what God has given me without worrying about the cares of my life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Life is hard. Try not to feel guilty for working...we do what we have to. I may have to go back to work part-time and I hate it!! :(