Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yay Luke! You're Standing!

On Monday, January 18th, 2009 Luke decided to pull up on the couch and stand up all by himself. His sippy cup was on the couch and he couldn't reach it when he got on his knees, so he used his upper body and got to his feet to get it.
I walked into the room and there he was, on his feet! I cried and shouted for joy and praised God. This one thing, this miracle, gave me hope. It brought me so much joy!
Thank you Lord for my unexpected day-off miracle!!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Blogs

I have two new blogs. Please go visit. The first one is our family stories blog at The second is a blog I started to post information I research- I am currently researching diet related issues. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yes, I know, weird title... but it fit :)
Pondering #1: I wonder if my husband is angry with me for having a baby with a disability. Does he blame me? Is he angry with me? Is that why he seems to not like me most of the time? I feel like what happened to Luke was my fault. Were the showers I took when I was pregnant too hot? Did it cause him to have seizures in womb? Is that why they say he has a brain injury? Did I not eat enough? Did the virus I had when pregnant with him cause his disability? I know, worrying about this stuff is stupid, but It is what I think about.
Pondering #2: Luke is God's gift to me. All of my children are the most special kind of gift I could ever receive.
Pondering #3: I wonder if my dog is ok out in the yard, by herself, when it is 20 degrees outside... we left the dog during our North Carolina/Georgia trip.
Pondering #4: What goes through Luke's head? What is his level of intelligence? What does he feel? Does he have hidden health issues? What if they are serious? Who do I need to call? Who does his pediatrician need to refer Luke to?
Pondering #5: He has a stomach virus and refuses to eat. Will he lose weight? I can't bring him back to the doctor if he has lost weight. What can I give him to gain the weight back?
Pondering #6: How awesome is my God!!! I just want to worship Him!!! Heaven is going to be awesome! Luke will walk and talk and praise God right beside me, my father, my brother, and my two grandfathers.
Pondering #7: Will Marty and I be together in heaven? How does he really feel about me? 7 years seems like a long time to blend a family!
Pondering #8: Am I a good mother? Do my children love me? Does my husband? Am I a good wife?
Pondering #9: What can I do for God today? What can I do in my church? What can I do to bless others? God answered all of these questions today :)
I would be nothing without God. He is my all in all!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Crusade for Calories

So, the newest struggle we have had to deal with lately is that Luke is not gaining weight and is really not growing like he should. He has been 22 pounds for the past 6 months. His 1 year old cousin weighs about that much. So, we have been trying to figure out how to add more calories to his diet. He is still on the gluten free/dairy free diet. Adding those two food groups would definitely add calories, but at what cost? Would he then be sick all the time? Would being snotty and yuck all the time cause him to stop making progress? So, for now, I am making every meal count- packing as many calories as possible in one bowl.
We still puree. He eats better when we do that. He doesn't choke and get frustrated. It is really hard to vary foods when you have to puree everything. I am concerned that his doctor is going to think we are starving him. So many of these little issues that come with having a child with a disability almost look like parenting problems instead of what they really are. It is trying to meet needs that are completely different than that of a typically developing toddler.
I guess I am realizing that my life with my child with a disability is totally different. It will always be completely different. We will see more doctors and therapists than other people will see in their lifetimes. We will have to go through therapies and Individual Education Plans (IEP's) and BIP's (Behavior Intervention Plans). We will have to constantly try to solve the mysteries that lie within our son.
I would not trade it for the world!!!!