Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Untitled Holiday One

This would be my facial expression after being told that there are only 7 days until Christmas! Ahhh! I have so much left to do! So, today was my day to accomplish I few things.  My Christmas shopping is completely done. The decorations are all up and the presents are wrapped under our beautifully decorated Christmas tree. I got my first spray tan done last night. I went from pale to waz-am in 20 minutes. I like it and I believe I might do it again. It's helping me out of this "I have four children, a second full time job teaching kids, and no energy" attitude.

So, I am taking a new approach. Everything is great and I will choose to see the humor in the things that aren't so great. So, I am going through another Christmas with children who may or may not be completely happy with what they have been given. One of my four children will find more joy from banging the Christmas toy against the tile than actually playing with the toy. It's all good. We are all so wonderfully unique. God bless Logan for having to go through two separate Christmases and feeling uncomfortable living a split life. God bless Sydney and Gracie for having a father who is choosing not to be involved in their lives. God bless Luke for being disabled. Honestly, God blessed my children through their circumstances. God gave Logan a step-mom who loves him and provides for him. God gave Sydney and Gracie a step-father to help them grow spiritually. God blessed Luke by giving him an entire family who prays for him every day.

So, for all that could frustrate us, we choose to view the blessings. What an awesome life we live and what an awesome God we serve! Merry Christmas all~

Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's Christmas Time Again- Updates

Wow! I just realized how quickly this past year has flown. It seems like yesterday that we had bought our new house and were putting up new Christmas decorations.

So here's for our updates:

Luke's Broken Clavicle
Last Saturday, Luke fell out of our tall chair on to the tile floor. He immediately started fussing and continued fussing for the next couple of hours. So, I took him to Santa Rosa Medical Center. After 3 hours and a CT scan, we were discharged. They said he would be sore for a while. I took that at face value. So the next day, I was getting ready to give Luke a shower and I noticed that his right shoulder was really swollen. Marty and I made the decision to take him to "Dr. Happy" that next day. Long story short, his right clavicle is broken. He is a brave little boy and is now doing great. He is healing quickly.

Christmas Shopping With Luke
Marty and I discovered the greatness of taking your child with autism Christmas shopping for himself. We were able to go through the store and let him try different toys. We found three that he really liked and bought them. We got home and he still wanted to play with the toys, so while I was wrapping other gifts, he kept playing. When he moved away from the toys, I took each one and wrapped them and placed them under the tree. He didn't even realize what had happened. I bet that he will be surprised on Christmas morning!

The Decorating of the Christmas Tree 2011
We take pictures and videos every year of the children decorating our Christmas tree. We listen to Christmas music and drink hot chocolate. This is the picture of our four darling children. It will not be long and we will be looking at teens in this picture! Oh how I want to treasure these memories. They are so precious to me!

The Love Between a Father and His Son
Luke loves his daddy. This picture was taken as Marty and Luke were watching Logan's basketball team, The Hurricanes, play a game. Luke desires closeness with his father.