Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Rare Moment of Open Honesty

I have been following a blog of a woman whose baby has been diagnosed with Trisomy 13 prenatally. This is a fatal condition where "conditions are not favorable for life" outside the womb. She is having to face the fact that her baby will most likely die after she gives birth to him. She, and her husband, are facing this with grace and faith. It is so amazing to see people going through these situations. They have so much faith. I am absolutely in awe of these how they are dealing with everything.

She has a video on her blog that shows a husband and wife going through the same thing. In the video, the baby is born and five days later the baby dies. It is a very real, very personal video. I feel priveledged in being able to view it. After the kids went to bed last night I asked Marty to watch it with me. Marty was a little hesitant, at first, but the vidoe ended up really bringing out some emotion in him. I told Marty that viewing the video really allowed me to put some things in my life in perspective. He, then, looked at me with tears in his eyes and told me how he feels so blessed to have Luke in his life. He said that he knows that God made Luke and Luke is perfect. He admitted that he lives a blessed life and he is so thankful for it.

It is so wonderful to have a moment like that with my husband. It does not happen often. I am just so thankful for the moment because it helped me see what is really going on inside my husband.

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