Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So Thankful

I am so thankful that I have my family and that I have my God! I am not sure how I would get through life's trials without them.

God knew what He was doing when he gave me a mother who is so strong and has faith like no other woman I know. I strive to be like her. If I could have half the faith and half the strength she has, I would be just fine. I don't think my mother truly understands how much I admire her. Every day she does something for me. She emails me and encourages me. She sees something in a store that she thinks I might like and she buys it for me, hoping that it will make my day. The love she has for me is so unconditional. For that, I am eternally grateful.

My step-father is equal in strength. He is such a good man. I am proud to call him dad. He has been patient and kind. He also loves me unconditionally. I don't know if I deserve the love he has given me, but I am so thankful for it! He is wonderful with my children and so very giving. Having him as an example has made me want to be a better person.

I strive to be a parent like my parents are.

I am also so very thankful for my husband. A little over two years ago, he chose to marry me and be a step father to my children. He is a passionate father. He looks out for the best interest of his children. They are blessed to have him. We are still trying to blend our family... we still have a road ahead of us. I pray that God bring us closer together through our diversity and not further apart.

I am so thankful that I have a merciful and forgiving God. He loves me no matter what I have done. I am proud to bring my family to church and I am hopeful that all of my children will know Jesus at the earliest moment. My oldest daughter, Sydney, asked Jesus into her heart on July 16th this year. I was not sure that she truly understands what she did, but I have found that she does know. She prays every day. She writes about God. She tells me that she loves Jesus. I am a proud Momma because I know that she is building a foundation. God will always be by her side.

I have a wonderful family. Each person is so unique and special. I am a very blessed lady!!!

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