Monday, July 27, 2009

Missing Luke

After work Thursday, I left with my two girls and my mom and dad to go Tampa. The reason for the trip was to visit with family and go to my cousin's wedding. My husband, Luke, and Logan went to Georgia to visit his family. I enjoyed my trip to Tampa. I needed that time with my family. Marty enjoyed his trip because he needed time with his family. It has now been 5 days since I last saw Luke, and I am missing him terribly. The girls and I are back home and the boys should be coming in during the next few hours.

This is the longest time I have ever been away from Luke. I miss him. It has given me the opportunity to look at a lot of things by taking a step back. It has helped me gain strength.

1 comment:

The Ninja Boy said...

Oh handsome boy you are. Sure Luke misses you too.