Sunday, October 28, 2012

Unlocking Luke

A common theme among parents of children with communicative disorders is that there is more going on inside their child then what others think. I believe that about Luke. I watch him as he crawls around our house and I notice that he motor plans. Yes, the things he wants are not what other children want, but he can figure out what he wants and how to get it.

I think there is a certain brilliance in Luke. It may not be conventional brilliance, but there is a gift in him. I wish we could unlock the gift. What would help him communicate? I watched a show about a grown man with autism. He is non-verbal, but when given a certain software on his laptop, he was able to type out what he wanted to tell people. It was pretty phenomenal. I hope there is something like that out there for Luke. I would love to know what is going on in the beautiful little head of his.

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