Monday, September 6, 2010

Our Answer to 18 months of prayers

My prayers were answered yesterday. My mom has told me how the teacher assistants in Luke's classroom have Luke walking up and down the long halls in his elementary school building. I got the brilliant idea to test it. We pulled into a parking spot that was a short distance from the sidewalk leading to the preschool building. We got him out of the car and into his gait trainer. With only a little belt to provide physical prompting, when needed, I started walking with Luke as he gingerly stepped onto the concrete parking lot.
Each foot of travel seemed to energize Luke. He was smiling and laughing and high stepping. He was really happy for himself. He made it all the way to the preschool building and wanted to walk more. So, he walked to the door of his room. I was so happy to say that he had walked into church this morning. It was truly a tear-worthy moment.
I had planned on venting my emotions, but praising God is such a better option! God gives me hope that this won't be the last miracle and it definitely won't be the last answer to prayer.