Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Beautiful Storm

The pastor of my church preached on life's storms today. During the sermon I thought about many of the storms I have gone through in my 30 years of life (thus far). Many of them were caused by other people in my life. Most of them were caused by my own actions. Few were caused by reasons unknown. I would consider what I have gone through (and what I continue to go through) with Luke one of the greatest storms. I would also consider what I have gone through with Luke one of my life's greatest victories.

My heart and mind are constantly on the other parents who are going through what I am going through. No one truly understands us, except those who are going through it. The pain and the beauty of our situations make us unique. There is a lot of hype concerning autism, yet there are many who have children with different diagnosis. Where are the support groups for those with no diagnosis?

Oh Lord, if I could only be given the opportunity... I want to be what no other organization or person has been to these parents.

1 comment:

Carnley said...

You already are Jaime :)