Monday, April 5, 2010


Luke had his adenoidectomy last Thursday. It was scary for me, I must admit. I just hate it when I know my kids are in pain. He did so well, though. In this picture, Luke had just been put into the recovery room.

After a couple hours in the recovery room, we were able to take Luke home. He wanted to be held for almost two days straight. I was finally able to put him down in the recliner for 20 minutes at a time on day two.

Since then, he has been running about a 101 fever and has been a bit grumpy, but he is already responding differently. When I call his name, he looks at me. Yesterday in Sunday School, I was holding Luke and he actually reached out with arms and body to his daddy. He wanted Marty! This is huge for Luke... He hardly every does this!

So, I am really happy with how things are going for Luke. We also found out that insurance will cover his gate trainer (walker for children with disabilities)! I am looking forward to the day when Luke can walk into the doors of the church and move into a room with kids closer to his own age in nursery. God is good!

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