Saturday, May 30, 2009

3 day trip to Sacred Heart Hospital

It has been a long three days. Luke's EEG has turned out to be a 48 hour test. He has wires hanging from his head from a modified ponytail. He has been such a little trouper. He has been poked and prodded and still manages to enjoy himself. Luke has had a couple "staring" seizures, but has not had a major episode. The whole purpose of the EEG is to identify what Luke's seizures look like. I am frustrated. It's as if I am praying that Luke will have a seizure so that we will know what it looks like. The EEG will also help us see if he is epileptic. The doc came in this morning and asked us if we would want to stay for another 24 hours to increase the chances of seeing one of his major episodes. See, not only is Luke hooked up to a computer, he is also being recorded on a web cam. So, Luke has to stay in his little hospital crib.

I really want to go home. I am tired. Marty is tired. Luke has actually acquired a snotty nose and a barking cough since being here. I hate hospitals, but I want answers. What is the right thing to do? Should we go home and let Luke rest before having to come back Monday for an MRI? or should we stay to try to catch a seizure? I really don't know! I wish I could just take a walk with God and get an answer. If only it was that easy!

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