Monday, October 7, 2013

Is it "Stim-worthy"?

After knowing many children with sensory-related disabilities, such as autism spectrum disorders, I came up with the phrase "Stim-worthy". This is an explanation of my choice of words;
 According to Wikipedia, "Stimming is a repetitive body movement, such as hand flapping. The term is shorthand for self-stimulation. Repetitive movement, or stereotypy, is often referred to as stimming under the hypothesis that it has a function related to sensory input.
In many situations, an item is chosen that provides needed sensory input to an individual with sensory differences. I came up with the phrase, "Stim-worthy" after taking note of which items my son "stims" on. My son licks as a form of self-stimulation. Below are pictures of Luke with items that he finds "Stim-worthy";
 Luke will climb to great heights in order to gain access to baskets. He studies them and licks them repeatedly.
 Luke's love of the cd player is two fold- He enjoys the vibration of the music when it is playing. He also likes to lick the speakers.
 This is another basket that Luke enjoys. He fell asleep with this one on his head.
 Luke's most favored items are shoes. He will go to great lengths to find shoes to scratch and lick.
 Music is stimulating in itself. Luke will often pick one or two notes to play over and over again.
Luke enjoyed the metal box top he has in his hand. He took it everywhere until he left it on the bus. He then moved on to other "stim-worthy" objects. They are listed below;
-light up toys that spin
-toys that produce music
-metal objects
-my curly hair
-solo cups
-paper plates
-plastic bags or crinkly plastic
-plastic container lids
-CD's and their cases
-computer keyboard
-The Pirate Song by the Backyardigans
-spinning in an office chair
-plastic tires on toys
-sippie cup
There are many other items that I am sure I am missing. Each child with  sensory-related disabilities has a very specific list of "stim-worthy" items. As a therapist, it is my job to know these items. They provide motivation for behaviors the therapist is wanting to teach.
So, tell me your opinion-
What do you think of my choice phrase?
Do you understand?
I welcome comments and criticism.

Musings, Frustrations, and Joys...

Luke standing at the kitchen counter wondering where in the world his dinner is...
I sometimes find my life to be a series of comical events that run together into random stories of adulthood. I have had years that I have titled, "The year of unfortunate events" or "The year of growth". Last year was a year of many unfortunate events that led into this amazing time of encouragement, growth, and peace. Professionally, I am now in a place where I feel like I am a perfect fit. I feel like I am finally in an environment where who I am is a perfect fit. I plan to grow where I have been planted. I give God the credit for this one, definitely. I come in contact with individuals who help me see that I am intelligent. It sounds weird, I know, but I have questioned my own intelligence, at times.
My marriage has grown and changed. Instead of two selfish people trying to do things on our own, we are allowing God to take control and letting go of our selfishness. We are falling in love again. As a result, we are becoming the parents God has called us to be. Our children are being blessed by what God is doing in our lives.
I have been concentrating on these great blessings. I choose to look at all the positives. What a great time in life!!! One thing that I have been avoiding is that issue of a diagnosis for Luke. I am loving all the positives that are happening and I am stupidly ignoring the elephant in the room.
In the back of my mind, the diagnosis issue has been looming like a dark cloud. See, he has to have a diagnosis in order to get on the waiting list for APD (Association of persons with disabilities). The waiting list in years long. APD offers specific services to individuals who have aged out of school system benefits at age 22. Luke will need these services.
I am just desperately avoiding the fight. No one seems comfortable giving Luke a clear diagnosis because no one really knows what is going on with him. There are no clear answers. He does not fit the common mold. This uphill battle requires emotional and mental energy that I am just not sure that I have.
Sometimes I just want to scream! I know I am not alone in my fight, but I definitely feel alienated by my situation.
I want to go back to thinking about the joy in my life. My husband and I are in love with each other. We have joined forces for the benefit of our children. We work as a team now. My children are involved in many great extracurricular activities; dance, golf, chorus, youth, etc. Luke has a great teacher and she is really helping him grow. Our little family has turned into a force of sorts. We are becoming fiercely loyal to each other.
So, I guess I am rambling. There is no real point. I just feel the need to get it all out. I am basically preparing myself for the next step. It is time to push for a diagnosis so that Luke can get the services he needs and deserves to have. It is time to push until there is a solution.
For now, I am going to get my little guy to bed. He is in my bed laughing and stimming himself silly. I also plan to write another blog on the subject of all items found to be "Stim Worthy".