The Daniel Family minus 1
Easter 2013
The Sibling Picture
Thanksgiving 2012
There are many things happening in my little family. First Logan, the oldest boy, will be going to middle school next year. I know what changes occur during middle. Honestly, it is scary for me. Will he make the right choices? Will he not settle for less than he is capable of? Where will he find his sense of worth? Hopefully from God, but temptations will definitely present themselves.
Second, I have made the decision to walk away from my teaching career and seek other opportunities. I need to go ahead and walk down the path God has for me before He closes it and offers it to someone else. So, I will be facing great change. I know that I will cry during the last week of school. I know I am going to miss my precious students. I have changed their lives and given their parents hope, but they have done so much more for me. They have changed me. Knowing the kids that I taught has changed my life.
Our last major change is coming with a choice; Should Luke stay in PreK one year longer or progress to kindergarten? This is a change that comes with much concern for me as his mother. If we have him progress, he will stay in one school, in one setting, until he is 12. So that is basically 7 years in possibly the same room with possibly the same teacher. So, what is the best decision for Luke educationally? Then there is that never ending question of what is his disability? Naming the disability will change little. It will only allow us to get on waiting lists for services for Luke. I just wish I could wrap my mind around WHY Luke acts the way he does. Is he in pain? Is something wrong? Is it just a behavior that I shouldn't be concerned about? What if he is having mini-seizures and we are just not catching? The questions are never ending. No doctor or specialist we have ever been has been able to answer any of these questions.
I guess you might think these just the ramblings of a person who is trying to figure it all out. In some ways, that is completely true. I desperately want to make sense of it all. This is where I need to stop. God's got this and I don't need to worry with all of these small details. He knows what He is doing. It is my faith that is being tested. I don't know what the solutions will be. I do not know how things will turn out. I just have to believe that God is finely tuning the orchestra of my life.